My name is Jared, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
Age 33
oh shit i didn't fix this
Joined on 7/19/05
CuteRedFlower 2010-08-05 04:20:13
Tl:DR. I only listen to underground music. Or singles that don't suck from the radio.
Everyone has they're preference. dont let it force on you.I had coffie im hyper. cool i liv in tennessee 2.r u from nashville?
Ryanson 2010-08-05 04:20:13
I am in Nashville, yes -- just moved.
I only listen to underground music.
Or singles that don't suck from the radio.
Everyone has they're preference.
dont let it force on you.I had coffie im hyper.
cool i liv in tennessee 2.r u from nashville?
I am in Nashville, yes -- just moved.