My name is Jared, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read

Ryan @Ryanson

Age 33


oh shit i didn't fix this

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Justin Bieber... "sucks"?

Posted by Ryanson - July 12th, 2010

So, WaterShake and I had a little discussion. Short, sweet. "I think you're cool," "Ok, suck my dick," "But I'm already preggo," "It's ok, you can be on top!" and all that kind of stuff. But when we discussed music -- Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber mainly -- what he said struck me. What he said is in italics.

A lot of people seem to take pleasure in hating on mainstream. They do it because it makes them seem (and feel) intellectually superior to the masses. It makes them feel unique to an extent. It's very, very silly. Because if anything, it makes them even more "of a sheep". They follow mainstream culture and attack it at every corner, regardless of it's actual content. They hate it for the sheer reason it's popular, which is the ultimate stupidity.

Now, while this is true, it still strikes me as odd. Why do people hate Justin Bieber?

He's not untalented -- he can sing somewhat decently, dance decently, and he's attracted such big music men like Usher and Ludacris to his side (take that as you will). So it can't be that... Or can it? The most common criticism is that he sings like a girl, and common nicknames for him include the ever-so original "Justina Beaver" (I personally found "Miley Cyrus" to be a better nickname for him). But does singing like a girl (???) mean he's bad? Do accusations of homosexuality (unfounded and untrue accusations, at that) really make people think he's untalented at what he does?

A lot of people seem to think so.

Popularity shouldn't come into consideration when drawing your opinion on something. Some popular artists, are indeed immensely talented, and a lot of these "underground" acts, have no real substance. There are a lot of unknown acts that deserve merit, but not for the fact that they are unknown.

This is exactly what I think, only worded in a way I could not have. What makes metal, independent, underground music better than mainstream music in general? What makes mainstream music necessarily bad?Sure, there are always the one-hit wonders and fad cash-ins. But there are also some really talented people out there -- Eminem. Beyonce. Kanye West. Coldplay. Lady Gaga (gasp!). The White Stripes. Lil Wayne (Ok, he ruined himself with Rebirth. But Tha Carter III was fantastic). Taylor Swift (lol). People who are just as hated as they are loved, but all of whom have made extremely likable albums -- in my opinion, of course.

Tell me, what's the fault of any of these artists? Are they untalented? What makes them so?

How can people be so shallow as to hate the music -- and the artists -- without justified reasons? Sure, fans of said music usually defend it in an equally unintelligent way -- "It just rocks!" "Because it's awesome." -- but the haters always consider themselves above such fans, better than others. Why do they feel such unwarranted self-importance? Makes you look like a twat to the rest of us (side note: Irony is such a prick).

I think the only reason Justin Bieber is hated so much on this site is because he is the epitome of the type of person that makes the NG demographic feel inferior. He is attractive, popular, cute and charming. Jealousy makes bastards of men.

Big words, but with a hint of truth. Is the hate really because Justin Bieber's famous? Any man with a hint of self-respect will deny this, but denial doesn't make it true. I'd love to be famous like him, to have girls (though not the age of his fans) fall and cry at the mere mention of my name.

If we judge by what I just said, I don't respect myself. Or maybe I'm too manly to deny such faults, especially over the internet where no one can hurt me. Think on that (or don't).

Or maybe it's the fanbase? That's a good enough reason to hate someone, right? I know I've heard many complaints of hatred for the 10-and-under crowd who obsess over Bieber, and really any other fad that Disney force-feeds them (Irony: Bieber is not affiliated with Disney).

I, myself, am guilty of such hate -- I hate the fanbase of Twilight, and I hate obsessive Juggalos (the fans of Insane Clown Posse, all of which are obsessive). That doesn't mean I hate the series or the group; they've done me no harm. I am completely neutral towards Twilight; ICP, I dislike their music.

"Okay... what about him as a person? What if I dislike him as a person?"

Do you know him? Do you know what he's like? He seems like a nice kid -- maybe a tad big-headed from such an early success (damn you, Youtube!!), but nonetheless it's a squeaky clean image from a Canadian mop top. Okay, maybe you can dislike the image. But the image isn't always a good representation of a person.

I am not berating anyone for disliking Justin Bieber. If you don't like his music, you don't like it --that's fair enough, no need to explain. I am berating people who (seem to) hate him as a person, and for such stupid reasons. If you hate him so, why do you give him so much attention? Does that not conflict with your opinion?

Come on, guys. Let's be grown ups. You don't wanna look like a BABY, BABY, BABY, OOOH!

Justin Bieber... "sucks"?


If you name your kid Justin 3 out of 5 times he will be gay.

Thats a fact


Some really good points in there, and made me look at some of my comments about Bieber. Yeah, I don't like his music, I simply don't think he's that talented. There are some stupid things he's done, but really I've got friends that have done much dumber things than him. Everyone just looks for excuses to hate on him, and I suppose sometimes I do to. Why? I'm not entirely sure.

But that's just Bieber. Twilight I don't like at all. I really hate the series with a passion and sometimes can't help but shake my head sadly at people who do like it, especially if they are female. However, I don't hate Stephanie Meyer, i just think she wrote a horrible book. Much of the fanbase I hate simply because of stupidity, however I don't hate the whole fanbase. Just the elitists obsessive ones.

But still, all in all, the post was a good read.

I also have a reply to something someone else said on my facebook. I haven't posted it here... because I pwned the guy.

Yeah, Twilight is... pretty bad. I won't deny I enjoyed it at first (proof that I may be a female... a lesbian in a male's body). But there's so much fun to be had by poking holes through the fans' dreams and wishes. Plus, or so I hear, one fan was so obsessed she named her dog Jacob (after the "hot" werewolf) and proceeded to make out with it. That's just gross.