Alright, so FINALLY that interview with that one guy is up. It sucks. Check it.
I'm working on a song (guess what!? It's a cover). Cross your fingers I release it.
And now, here's some more bios for the game. Suck my c-- I mean, enjoy. :)
One of the most intelligent people in the entire Grounds, if not a bit unbalanced, even today the mere mention of Scarab's name sends shivers down spines. Gagsy's only equal, he's the man you don't want to get into an argument with lest you have a thing for exploding heads (psst, it's yours). Truth is, though, he doesn't care for the beetles and bugs of this endlessly annoying world -- he was nowhere to be found until long after the invasion. The idea of a whole new world made in his image... it is always possible that Scarab planned the entire thing out, isn't it?
A ginger if ever there was one, Ryan has always struggled to belong in the ninja world. True, he has successfully assassinated two-hundred and nine of his targets (they were all noobs. Just saying)... but his bright orange hair makes stealth missions absolutely impossible! That is, except for in his new home Newgrounds, where orange and grey are the colors of the land. Shortly after arrival, though, his new home was destroyed by the onslaught of noobs. The honor of his land -- and himself -- is now in his hands as he prepares for the upcoming brawl.
Tarah spends her weeks sexing it up on camera, and her weekends in eating competitions. It all works out though, since she works all that weight off at her day job. She's for the most part a friendly girl, though her hair gives off a hint of her feministic ferocity. It's too bad there are few outside her fanclub that respect her (it might have been that sex-tape with GiantDouche, to be honest). So when she hears of this upcoming battle, Tarah doesn't see herself as ruler of the Portal -- she sees the possibility of gaining the respect of her peers. Oh, and also implants. Yeah!
Not the most welcomed of guests in one's house, the Racist Bassist probably has the most self-descriptive nickname. Somewhat ironically, he has a sweet tooth for food that negative racial stereotypes love most. His thoughts on racism are suddenly put in a new light when he brings out his almighty Michael Cera-signed bass and plays the hell out of it! Besides being a horrible person and a fantastic guitar player, he also likes to argue -- and when he can, he also likes to kick ass. Perhaps this is why many people fear the day he becomes king -- it's an actual possibility.
Jack was once a normal guy -- funny, loving, married. But after he and his late wife Jill had their horrible accident, it was decided by the cyborg Commander Mindchamber that Jack would be the first ever human-bomb hybrid. Jack, upon waking up, found that he had explosive new powers -- at the price of his humanity. Jack took it well; he soon had more money and women than he knew what to do with. The only thing missing was power -- the power of the Portal. And luckily, there is now an excuse for trying to obtain that power -- the tournament.
Cootie (former codename: Yamor) is a pretty normal 16 year old kid. You know, with freakin' SUPERPOWERS. However, despite his ability to fight like someone out of Dragon Ball, he still looks exactly like Justin Bieber. Thus, even if he CAN blow someone up, he won't get a lick of respect in the Newgrounds community (or even his home in the Southern United States). But that's okay -- respect doesn't matter to him. The only thing that matters to him is his reason to fight: the idea of finding someone strong. That, or he's retarded. I don't know, he's Southern.
FBI Polux
Actually a criminal as opposed to being involved in the FBI, Polux is still quite a man in charge. Condescending, arrogant, an elitist ass and a bit full of himself... but with a legitimate reason: he's French. He manages to defeat his rivals in a spectacular way, destroying their pride and leaving them feeling embarrassed. If ever he were to be defeated, he would be shamed and vengeful -- but luckily, that didn't happen (yet). As for Newgrounds, he's set some very interesting goals on his to-do list, all of which he intends to carry out.
One of the last remaining Nazis left, this young man was given his name due to his interest in grammar -- mainly, on the proper use of it. Smart and knowledgeable, Grammar-Nazi storms the streets of the BBS with a fleet of correctly used semi-colons and apostrophes. People shiver with fear when they see how nasty he can be. Sadly, his pride is his downfall -- when the undefeatible Wadolf fell, Grammar-Nazi was horror-struck. How could his hero have given everything up? Why would he willingly give up power for a new generation? He chooses to fight, if only to understand.
Who is this mysteruous being? The king of assholes? An insecure dickhead? A murderous psychopath? Many rumors surround this being bathed in shadows, including the origin of his codename (is he really an epic fail, or is it an ironic statement?). Truth be told, the only bit of him known by the general public is his hatred of Twilight -- something many people can sympathize with. Despite this lone exception, it is impossible to understand his motivation for his actions. Everything he does... it always leads to the same question: why?
A jolly, Scottish baker with a gift -- an obsession -- for making cookies. If he were gay, it wouldn't be too much of a surprise. For the most part he's a great guy, super mellow and sticking up for what's right. But there's a hint of bitterness hidden in his heart; in the race for a spot on the Mod Squad, he lost to the dragon Bahamut. Despite this he's pretty chill and has great pride in his land, the destruction of which he blames on Bahamut, who has survived the attack. WHFC has chosen to enter the tournament not for the crown, but to (in his mind) settle the score.