Seriously. It's got enough praise, so I won't add to it. But it's so famous, this video's got its own wikipedia page. Wow!!
Seriously. It's got enough praise, so I won't add to it. But it's so famous, this video's got its own wikipedia page. Wow!!
I'll be honest. First time I watched it, it was sick. Disgusting. Didn't make it past the first part. Second time, watched it the whole way through. Sick, disgusting, whatevs. But then earlier today I found myself thinking about it and LAUGHING.,
I don't know how you did it, but you made me come back for more. Only a classic could do that. Good job, sicko. :D
Great animation. Defies Pokemon logic (in ways I could explain... if I wanted to be a douche), but who cares? The animation was fantastic, and the ending was actually quite humorous. Well done
Ow, ow, ow, ow, oh, God, it, hurts.
As much as I (and I may be alone in this T_T) like(d) Twilight, is it still relevant enough to be parodied and spoofed on the internet? That aside, Edward's voice was awesome. Bella's voice turned out too annoying... but that was the point, huh? ;D
Overall, it was really funny. Simple, to the point. Loved it. But I gotta say that the ending was the BEST.
Case in point?
"Oh my god, you got sparkles in my eye."
Classic, even for the haters.
Cute. Surprisingly better than most animation these days. I half-expected a rap, because of the one-liner about this on the front page (and the "Lil'" in the title). But this is much better.
Wow XD
This is the first time I ever heard this, actually. It's hilarious.
I do wonder... I don't want you to send me the song, but may I ask who sings the song, and it's title?
I didn't think MTV or vh1 could submit videos on Newgrounds. But hey, I guess they got to play them somewhere. They certainly don't play them on TV (much) anymore.
If that statement alone doesn't show how much I enjoyed the song or animation, how about this? I enjoyed the song and animation. :)
My name is Jared, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
Age 33
oh shit i didn't fix this
Joined on 7/19/05