Fascinating, but not entertaining
Sonic the Hedgehog was (his present-day status is up for debate) a video game ICON, up to par with the likes of Nintendo's main-man Mario. Obviously, some people have fond memories of the faster-than-sound mammal, and parodies are rampant over here on the 'Grounds (pardon my lack of witty slang). The amount of quality Sonic material may have gone down, but the love for him has only grown.
Thus, this movie was born. I guess. I don't know. "Sonic Gut Feeling," as it's called, is something fascinating, if not completely entertaing. I feel compelled to watch it. I'm not even entirely sure if I liked it or if I didn't -- the plot, or whatever you it should be properly called, involves Sonic ramming into a spike. And it goes through his gut, makes a mess of his stomach. Sonic wants Tails to get him off the spike, and... yeah, that's generally the story.
It has to be said that the animation is very inconsistent with itself. There are times it looks great, like it's drawn by official artists, and then in within a few seconds their movements or parts of their bodies look deformed or sloppy, drawn hurriedly. I wouldn't mind if you perhaps took a little longer to polish it. That it's a little hazy is no fault of your own though. I understand -- compression sucks.
The sub-par voice acting aside, the animated humor isn't for everyone. Sure, a little gross is okay, this is more than a little it needs to be. Or maybe it's not -- various shows and time-blocks (MTV's Sic'emation, anyone?) proved there was an audience for "outrageous" cartoon humor. And it's not always just for shock laughs -- I genually laughed at the very end, although that particular punchline wasn't gross.
This is up in the air for me. It's not a terrible movie; how can it be when it fascinates me so, when it draws me in, when I want to watch it again when I finish it? But then it's not that great to be honest. It's not really entertaining, and I can't say I'd honestly recommend this to anyone. It's decent, but clearly rushed so it's only half-way there. Maybe we should learn from Sonic and try not to go so fast next time?